Posted on April 21, 2011

Being green at Mary Free Bed

At Mary Free Bed, we care for patients and our community in a number of ways. The Mary Free Bed Green Team and Sustainability Committee, comprised of MFB staff from all areas of the hospital, came together about a year ago to implement sound sustainable environmental practices. Areas of concentration are water, energy, waste and purchasing.

MFB’s Green Team has started or expanded existing green programs at the hospital. For years, hospital staff members have recycled paper, cardboard and batteries, fulfilled proper medical disposal guidelines, and refilled ink and toner cartridges. The Green Team is helping to step up existing efforts.

Mary Free Bed is in the process of installing low-flow hand-held showers and dual flush water closet valves to reduce water use. Staff is also working to eliminate mercury in the hospital and recently donated old mattresses to a local charitable agency.

In celebration and support of National Earth Day, the MFB Green Team is launching an MFB Green campaign on Friday, April 22. Educational booths and activities will be aimed at helping us learn about our ability to recycle, reduce, re-use and give back to our community and our environment.