
Cranial Remolding

Ensuring the best outcome for your child.

Mary Free Bed’s Cranial Remolding program treats infants ages 3-18 months with different types of head-shape deformities, including:

We know these diagnoses can be sources of anxiety for new parents and caregivers. Our teams of orthotics experts have extensive training and experience in treating pediatric patients. We’ll work to stay on track with your goals – from the first evaluation through the course of treatment.

What is cranial remolding?

Many patients are referred to our on-site orthotics teams for evaluation and treatment. Treatment begins with an initial assessment to evaluate head shape and determine the need for repositioning, tummy time or a cranial remolding orthosis, also known as a helmet or band.

Cranial remolding helmets are special orthotic devices that can help your baby if he or she has deformational plagiocephaly, brachycephaly, scaphocephaly or another head-shape deformity.

Over the course of treatment, we help guide head shapes where you want them to be. The average treatment time is three to five months, but timing and success vary for every child depending on their condition and age.


Advanced Technology

Mary Free Bed Orthotics & Prosthetics is one of the nation’s leading providers of the STARband: Orthomerica’s cranial remolding orthosis.

We use advanced, onsite STARscanner technology to capture a 3D image of your baby’s head, a painless process that takes less than two seconds. An orthotist reviews the images and completes a thorough evaluation. If a cranial remolding orthosis is needed, the scan is used to make a custom-fit helmet for your child.

Cranial Remolding at Mary Free Bed
What to Expect

What's the cranial remolding process like at Mary Free Bed? We’re glad you asked! Learn how our Orthotics and Prosthetics + Bionics teams design cranial orthotic devices and work with you every step of the way. In this video, our expert and orthotic team lead, Melissa Cordial-Stout, BOCO, gives us a behind-the-scenes look at the process and what you can expect.

Learn More

Outpatient Therapy

If your orthotist observes tightness in neck range of motion or a visible head tilt, we will discuss the potential need for outpatient therapy. Physical and occupational therapists will work with you and your child on:

  • Stretching exercises
  • Increasing motor function
  • Neck and trunk righting
  • Increasing shoulder control
  • Increasing range of motion
  • Manual techniques to relax tight muscles


Family and Caregiver Education

Family involvement is a key component of our program. Our clinical experts will educate you on repositioning, tummy time activities, the importance of compliance with the orthosis and goals for symmetry. You’ll receive training and support to ensure your child’s treatment continues at home and in other settings.


Contact Us 

You’ll find our pediatric Orthotics & Prosthetics + Bionics teams at locations across Michigan:

Grand Rapids – 616.840.8007 
Holland – 616.392.6240
Lansing – 517.337.0300 
Saint Joseph – 269.429.3292 
Kalamazoo – 269.353.6895 
Saginaw – 989.583.3040 



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